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Global Health Resources

Child Family Health International recommends the following Global Health Education resources to anyone interested in global health. Be sure also to check out CFHI Publications.

Screening and Intervention for Skin Cancer in the Galapagos

Marissa T. Ayasse, BS, Jocellie E. Marquez, MD, MBA, Daniel F. Lozeau, MD, Jordan B. Slutsky, MD, Tara L. Kaufmann, MD, Yoojin Lee, MD, Richard J. Scriven, MD, and Alexander B. Dagum, MD in this study aim to assess the general dermatological needs and correlation of tentative skin cancer screening diagnoses with histopathological...

The Planetary Health Education Framework

The Planetary Health Education Framework is a project of the Planetary Health Alliance (planetaryhealthalliance.org). The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of over 250 partners from around the world committed to understanding and addressing the human health impacts of global environmental change.

A framework to guide planetary health education

Published in The Lancet Planetary Health, this comment presents a cohesive framework for planetary health education to guide institutions, educators, and learners across all levels and disciplines. The authors seek to equip and enable learners to drive transdisciplinary and mutually reinforcing actions to protect and...

Six Routes to Unsupervised Clinical Practice – Academic Medicine

Many medical students and faculty members do not question the formal pathways to becoming a practicing clinician since legal rules and regulations seem fixed; however, those who spend time in other countries discover that these pathways differ from country to country and that the standard pathway in...

Preparing for International Health Experiences: A Practical Guide

Child Family Health International (CFHI) has contributed to the seminal new text "Preparing for International Health Experiences: A Practical Guide." The book gives concrete guidance on how to choose and take part in experiences in global health drawing on a wide collaboration of perspectives under...

Reflection in Global Health: An Anthology

The sixty-three essays in this anthology highlight the profound impact of global health experiences and illustrate the perspectives of undergraduate students, health science trainees, and young doctors working in international health systems, revealing their expectations, ideals, biases, limitations, and ambitions. The goal of this text...

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