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Global Health Resources

Child Family Health International recommends the following Global Health Education resources to anyone interested in global health. Be sure also to check out CFHI Publications.

Pillars of Global Health Flyer

Building on CFHI’s 30+ years of expertise in ethical community-based global health educational programs, CFHI and Aperian Global are very pleased to announce the launch of Pillars of Global Health, a series of online modules for students and academic institutions. The full set of self-paced,...

CFHI Programs Flyer

Child Family Health International is dedicated to transformative Global Health Education programs, research, and thought leadership, emphasizing community leadership, global citizenship, and ethical engagement. Learn more about our programs and what they have to offer through the link provided. Feel free to share this flyer...

CFHI Participant Planetary Health Pledge

Global Health and Planetary Health are inextricably linked. Human health is not separate from the health of our planet or that of other living organisms on Earth. Rather, we are all completely interdependent. CFHI has developed a Planetary Health Pledge, and we invite all participants...

Brocher Declaration: Promoting Appropriate Short-Term Engagements

The Brocher Declaration is a statement of ethical principles for guiding policy on short-term global health engagements, and has been endorsed by over 30 organizations including Child Family Health International, the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, and many others. The Declaration urges the international community...

Special Collection Decolonizing Global Health Education

The Annals of Global Health has developed a special issue around the theme of decolonization broadly, emphasizing how coloniality and neo-colonial thought are woven through and still affect higher education. Through this issue, they provide an opportunity for authors (faculty, researchers, practitioners, students, and administrators)...

International Volunteering and Governance

This paper aims to strengthen evidence on the contributions of international development volunteerism to good governance. We highlight case examples from a variety of International Volunteer Cooperation Organisations (IVCOs) to demonstrate various ways that volunteers and IVCOs have strengthened public and private governance structures through formal and informal interventions....

How Do We Decolonize Global Health in Medical Education?

Medical schools are increasing global health training opportunities, but these have been marketed to medical students as an exotic vocation. The challenges of global health education in high income country (HIC) medical schools are rooted within broader inequities in global health partnerships. More meaningful engagement...

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