The Alumni Advisor Program is comprised of exceptional CFHI alumni who share their experiences, expertise, and training with current CFHI program participants. CFHI offers nearly 20 in-person program sites in 10 countries to our participants; each program features an Alumni Advisor (or two!) who has completed the program in recent years, so they have detailed knowledge of program specifics, local cultural realities, and more.
Alumni Advisors meet virtually with CFHI participants before the program begins to help program participants prepare and get questions answered. After the program begins, Alumni Advisors conduct weekly check-ins via text or email with participants and are available for calls and mentorship as needed. Finally, Alumni Advisors facilitate a virtual reflection session after the program ends.
All Alumni Advisors have completed an in-depth training offered by CFHI to ensure that they are well equipped to help CFHI participants derive deep learning, understanding, and reflection from their CFHI global health experience. The Alumni Advisor Program is included in every CFHI program at no additional cost to CFHI participants. All CFHI participants will automatically be added to the Alumni Advisor Program unless they choose to opt-out.
Lead with Experience
Become an Alumni Advisor!
The Alumni Advisor Program accepts applications annually and is an excellent addition to your professional development and resume. It’s also a chance to stay connected to your CFHI program site and leadership! Please email for more information.