All posts tagged: Cultural Humility

CFHI vs. Brigades: Defining “Helping” in Healthcare Abroad

An article profiling Child Family Health International – CFHI’s Global Health Education Programs in the current online edition of the Association of American Medical Colleges’ journal Academic Medicine contrasts two interpretations of ‘helping.’ The students writing the article draw an important contrast between the two definitions of ‘helping’ represented by CFHI Programs and brigades.


The Power of IFMSA & The Global Health Placebo Effect

Often the global health dialogue is dominated by Western voices. IFMSA allows 1,000+ medical students from around the world to work face-to-face twice a year. It democratizes global health and allows for crucial relationship development that is necessary for a unified global advocacy voice for health equity and justice. During the IFMSA alumni meeting attendees praised CFHI for its gold-standard model for global health education. Colleagues from Ghana, Serbia, Philippines, Nigeria, and beyond approached me with gratitude for CFHIs important advocacy voice in the global health education field.


CFHI & Northwestern University Students Impact Women’s Health in Mexico

FSM students go above and beyond the call of the program and support CFHI & Northwestern University School of Medicine Project training for parteras, or traditional midwives. Throughout the year students raise money to contribute towards a 5-day training for over 30 traditional midwives who attend over 40% of the births in the region.


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