Getting One Step Closer to a Unified Global Health Curriculum

The term “Global Health” can be an all encompassing, and sometimes, vague term.  Individuals from the fields of public health, medicine, and more have all defined this term in different ways.  That is why when the Consortium of Universities for Global health convened in 2008, one of the items that members called for was to define the field of global health and standardize required curricula and competencies for the emerging discipline.

We are excited to announce that, as of this week, we are one step closer in providing that definition as the Global Health Competencies Sub-committee of CUGH released a new toolkit that brings together resources from a wide array of subjects and authors in the field of global health.  All this under the leadership of CFHI and our Executive Director, Dr. Jessica Evert.  Thank you for this great effort across dozens of institutions and fields!

Referred to as the CUGH Global Health Competencies toolkit, the resource is designed to help Global Health faculty build curricula and competencies that may stretch beyond their immediate area of expertise.  As the field of Global Health grows in its maturity as an academic field, we here at CFHI are proud to be at the vanguard.


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