August 9, 2012 Cultural Humility, Ethics, Global Health Education New MCAT Means Greater Need for Global Health Exposure The New MCAT reflects that medical professionals must develop empathetic communication skills and cultural competencies. Its a recognition that the parameters of health go beyond the clinical setting. ´
September 15, 2011 Cultural Humility, Ethics, Global Health, Global Health Education, Global Health Elective, Local Experts, Medical Electives, Rotations, Volunteering Internationally A Visit with The Father of Palliative Care in India Dr. Rajagopal Dispenses Needed Medicines and a Healthy Dose of Respect. After a meeting with CFHI’s Founder, Dr. Evaleen […] ´
February 28, 2010 Cultural Humility, Global Health Education Communication Skills for Medical Students and Other Health Science Students Professionalism as a component of medical education is something we all know is important but can be hard to effectively […] ´