The demand for global health opportunities over the past decade has fueled a brisk increase in the number of global health training programs, yet the employment opportunities for graduates of such programs remain poorly understood. This pilot survey presents the characteristics of 178 global health employment opportunities available during two specific time periods in 2014. Understanding the dynamics of the global health job market serves both to guide trainees in their educational choices, and to better inform and improve the structure and content of global health training programs. Researchers created a list of conisderations when exploring and studying the scope of global health:
(1) studies to gain a better understanding of the content and the characteristics of global health (and related) training programs;
(2) studies to understand the match between employer needs and applicant quali cations;
(3) analyses of the likely trends and stability of the global health job market;
(4) surveys of the Global South host countries to determine if training among visitors from the Global North adequately meets their needs;
(5) analyses of the intersections between domestic and international employment opportunities, training and career paths.
Publication Date: February 15, 2015